Employee | - Salaries and benefits
- business performance
- Recruitment and retention
- Talent Education
| - Welfare Committee and Labor Conference
- Grievance system
- Satisfaction survey on group meals, education and training
Customers | - Customer Service Innovation Management
- Customer privacy
| - Regular communication discussion meetings
- Customer satisfaction monitoring
Shareholder / Investor | - Labor Relations
- Company Governance
- Development strategy
- Ethics and integrity
| - Annual Shareholders meeting
- Financial annual report
- Investor Dedicated line ad mailbox and personal reply
Supplier | - Supply Chain Management
- Comply with laws and regulations
| - Review report or meeting
- Environmental safety and corporate social responsibility management instructions
Community | - Law Compliance
- Occupational health and safety
- Human rights
- Environmental management
- Community participation and social welfare
| - Responsible for communicating with community residents
- Sponsor participation in community events
- Participate in community group events or seminars